Here is the full agenda from this meeting. This was a fairly quick meeting, with no major announcements or issues. Below are the highlights.
There was a public hearing for a new business (Stone Strength Systems) to be located at 9462 Watson Industrial Park. This is a one-on-one personal fitness business that currently resides in Brentwood, but plans to relocate to Crestwood (website: stonestrengthsystems.com)
Staff Report
Floor Plan
Parking Plan
In short, the request was approved (7-0) with two minor amendments.
CONSENT AGENDA (approved 7-0)
An ordinance approving the Aquatic Center sound system - Tech Electronics was the sole responder to the RFP for all new sound equipment and speakers at the pool.
The Mayor requested city staff to investigate the current "door to door solicitors" section of the city code. Per a conversation on social media (nextdoor.com), there were door to door solicitors knocking on residents doors after dark and causing concern. Our current code prohibits any solicitation for someone selling a product (e.g. vacuum cleaner), but seems vague for someone selling a service (e.g. power washing). So city staff will check into that and come back to the board with a recommendation.