Here is the full agenda from this meeting.
Proclamation honoring a longtime Sappington House volunteer, Enid Barnes who has served as a volunteer at Historic Sappington House for over 46 years. During that time she has served as President, Vice-President, Museum Coordinator, Interpreter, and Museum Guide. She also received the Daughters of American Revolution Historic Preservation Award and the National Women in American History Award. Thank you Enid Barnes for a lifetime of service to our community!
Here is a copy of the resolution and also an article in the Crestwood Call from earlier this year.
Presentation of 2019 Chief Frank Arnoldy Outstanding Service Award - This is an award provided each year to Crestwood Police Officer for service above and beyond what is expected. This year's recipient is Sergeant Kent Meier. Sgt Meier has been with Crestwood since 1997 and served as patrolman, acting supervisor, detective, juvenile officer, and was promoted to Sergeant in 2008.
Create a New No Parking Zone at the end of Attucks Drive - this is a dead-end street near Big Bend and I-44. Parking at the end of the street has become an issue for the residents there, as that they are often unable to back out of their driveway due to parked cars at the end of the street.
This issue was first discussed at a recent Public Works meeting where the residents attended participated in constructive dialog with that board and each other. As it turns out, this street is scheduled for street replacement in 2020 and Crestwood will easily be able to extend the dead-end portion of this street onto existing right-of-way creating additional room for those that need to park in the street. Until that time, this will become a no-parking zone. This was one of those issues that actually brought neighbors together and luckily the City was in a position to help solve this issue both short and long term.
A draft of the revised sign code was presented to the board at our last meeting. As that it is a substantial document, it was again presented at this meeting. Various amendments and questions were posed by the board and the mayor. Staff was directed to continue work on this document and bring back proposed updates to address the items raised.
The consent agenda is a tool that allows the board to pass multiple non-controversial issues with a single vote. One item was removed from the agenda this time for further discussion (see below). All other items passed 8-0. Items of note on the Consent Agenda included:
- Liquor License for Yolklore - The applicants were present and explained they plan to add canned and pre-packaged breakfast themed drinks (e.g. Bloody Mary, Mimosa, etc.)
- Continuation of the previously 2002 voter-approved Capital Improvement Sales Tax and adding this to the upcoming April 2020 ballot to allow voters the opportunity to renew this tax with no expiration date. Without this renewal, the sales tax is due to expire in 2023. The revenues from this tax have been critical to the sound financial status the city currently enjoys, while also funding major capital improvements throughout the city.
- Renewed existing contracts with Engineering Evaluations Inc. for rental occupancy inspections, Gamma Tree for city tree service, and St. Louis County for emergency radio communications.
Purchase of a replacement Fire Department Vehicle - I asked this to be removed to validate the pricing and purchasing methods. As expected staff answered all of my questions - but here are a few of the take-aways from the discussion:
- This vehicle will replace the existing Ford Explorer used by the Fire Chief. This is needed due to the amount of equipment and supplies needed to carry, which is currently blocking the rear view from within the vehicle. The existing vehicle will be repurposed to replace a failing public works vehicle.
- The city is purchasing this via the State Contract and will receive a 2020 Chevy Tahoe for the same state contract price for 2019 vehicles.
- The city is not purchasing an extended warranty for this vehicle.
- The city also plans to purchase two police vehicles and two public works trucks in 2020. Although it's too late this year, it was recommended to use this "model year rollover" feature of the state contract to allow the city to purchase future vehicles at the same price as the previous year model. Going forward this should save the city the cost of model year increases every year.
- After the discussion, this ordinance was passed 8-0.
The next scheduled BoA meeting will be January 14.