As you may remember, Crestwood has plans to replace the main bridge over Gravois Creek at the Whitecliff Park entrance. This is part of a federal grant funded project and if all goes according to plan, the construction will begin later this year (after the summer busy season).
Want to learn more? There will be a public open house meeting in the Board of Aldermen Chambers at Crestwood City Hall on Thursday April 27, 2023, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
No formal presentation will be made – this is a “come and check it out” type of event. Handicap access is available. Everyone will be given an opportunity to make comments concerning the design of the project.
The proposed project elements are as follows:
- Removal of the existing bridge at the entrance of Whitecliff Park over Gravois Creek.
- Replacement of the existing bridge at the entrance of Whitecliff Park over Gravois Creek.
- Creation of a new temporary vehicle access to the park from Vauk Lane (to be used during construction).
Preliminary plans, maps, plats, environmental documentation, and other detailed information prepared by the City of Crestwood engineering consultant (CMT) will be available at the public meeting and are also available for public viewing and copying at Crestwood City Hall, Department of Public Works Office.
Tentative schedules for the construction will be discussed.
All that said – here’s some “insider information”... The city applied for this matching grant several years ago and the amount of the grant is a fixed dollar amount. Given the recent dramatic increase in construction costs, it is very likely that the new cost will be MUCH higher than previously estimated. If that happens, the city’s matching portion will go way up and the Board of Alderman might need to decide if we should proceed at the higher cost, or “punt” for now and re-apply for the grant to better cover the gap. So – it’s not a done-deal and it's a real possibility that this might not happen in 2023. Stay tuned.