Crestwood Fire Department - Just another day

Photo Credit Sydney Stallworth KSDK

And this is why they train so hard.

Below is a post excerpt from the City of Crestwood Facebook page

Just a few weeks ago, starting at about 3:00 A.M., the Crestwood Fire Department was one of the first departments on-scene at what would become a four-alarm commercial fire at Dale’s Printing Company in Kirkwood.

Crestwood Fire C-Crew members Capt. Broyles, Lt. Hill, Lt. Schuman, Private Way, and Private Toelke were on-scene for more than six hours engaged with the fire. While Capt. Broyles was the sector boss on the Bravo side of the building (which had the most direct fire action), the others took direct entry into the building on three separate occasions over the course of the fire.

The Crestwood Fire Department received several attaboys and thanks for their dedicated work from all of the different incident commanders on scene. The Kirkwood Fire Chief later noted

“All crews who responded to this fire operated at an extremely high and outstanding level, going above and beyond the normal call of duty. This was absolutely one of the most challenging and stubborn fire attacks that I have witnessed. THANK YOU! Because of your assistance, we were able to mitigate this incident safely, effectively, and efficiently.”

In addition to the Crestwood and Kirkwood Fire Departments, there were more than 15 agencies that responded to the four alarm fire. This is why interdepartmental training is so vital for our public safety departments.

“Initial crews were very aggressive, forcing entry and deploying 2 x 2.5 inch hand lines. The fire was held in check initially; however, the fire ran the back wall and ceiling. Periodically, racks and pallets of inventory would ignite. This caused rapidly changing conditions for a period of 2-3 hours as crews struggled to gain a foot hold.

The smoke conditions changed numerous times and was relentless. Tactics were changed multiple times throughout the event. Crews were eventually able to pinch the fire and contain it to the Bravo/Charlie corner.

Tower Ladder 1535 was simultaneously able to make the roof with their bucket to effectively cut a vertical ventilation hole. Crews finally gained control and the fire was extinguished.” The departments were also able to contain the exterior damage to only this building, stopped the spread to neighboring buildings.

For KSDK video of part of the incident, click HERE

Thank you again to the Crestwood Fire Department for their work that day and every day in service to this community!