This was the first Board of Aldermen meeting since the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and "stay at home" orders were in effect. As such, everyone in the room was seated at least 6' from others, several members participated via web meeting software (zoom.com) and the meeting was "live streamed" on Facebook to allow residents to watch from home.
The meeting agenda can be viewed here.
Mayor Mabie was one of the members that participated via web-conference, so board president Alderman Duncan presided over the meeting. To keep the meeting as brief as possible, most issues were moved to the "Consent Agenda" (allowing them all to be voted on at once, unless any Alderman wished to discuss and vote on any separately). Also, the usual board/mayor/administrator/attorney reports and comments were skipped.
As discussed in a previous post, the owners of Woodard Restoration are purchasing the former Gordman's building and plan to move their operations from Rock Hill to Crestwood. This required the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and approval of their site plan. Both were presented and approved 8-0.
Woodard stated that funding for much of the building updates are contingent upon the sale of their existing properties. Given the economic uncertainty that has recently happened, they requested that the normal 180 day deadline for completion be extended to 365 days. They expect to move some operations to the building soon, but feel that the sale of their existing buildings may be delayed and thus some of the proposed building updates may take longer than originally planned. This request was approved.
Many items were included, below are the highlights. Consent Agenda passed 8-0.
- Vacating and terminating Big Bend Crossing Transportation Agreement - back in 2002 this "Transportation Development District (TDD)" was established to help fund the Sams Club shopping center. Similar to a TIF, this agreement helped to fund the construction through sales taxes collected at that site. These obligations have been paid in full, so this TDD has now been terminated.
- Sunset Hills Boundary Adjustment - as described in a previous post, the border between Sunset Hills and Crestwood cuts diagonally through the property of the former Johnny Mac's and the adjacent Mercy Health. Via two ordinances (one for each property), the border has been adjusted to follow the property line resulting in Mercy Health entirely in Crestwood, and the former Johnny Mac's entirely in Sunset Hills.
- Purchase of Fire Department Fitness Equipment and Police Department Lockers - Both of these purchases are part of the city hall flooding renovations.
- Whitecliff Quarry Design - the existing contract with Bond Architects was amended to fund the final planning and design for this project.
- Easing of Delivery Restrictions - Business deliveries are normally allowed Mon-Sat, 7am-7pm. Due to recent developments related to COVID-19 virus, this ordinance will allow businesses to best accommodate deliveries and restocking to occur during times that best protect employees and patrons, therefore helping to protect the public. This ordinance will expire on May 31, 2020, unless extended by the Board of Alderman.
- Amendment to Lease Agreement for The Barn Restaurant - The city receives monthly rent from "The Barn" restaurant, located next to the Historic Sappington House. With the COVID-19 restrictions, this restaurant (like many) is currently closed. This ordinance will suspend collection of rent until the state of emergency has been lifted.
- Amending City Code, Proclamations issued by the Mayor - This new section of Crestwood's municipal code has been under development for a while, but recent developments highlighted the need. Basically this clarifies how the mayor can issue proclamations and resolutions outside of a formal Board of Alderman Meeting. The new language reads:
The Mayor shall have the power to issue proclamations, including proclamations related to emergencies or planning for or responding to disasters, at or outside of Board of Aldermen meetings. All proclamations that have been issued outside of a Board of Aldermen meeting, and all proclamations that have been proposed for consideration at a Board of Aldermen meeting shall be included on the next Board of Aldermen meeting agenda under the “Presentations, communications and appointments” or the “Consent Agenda” portion of the agenda. The Board of Aldermen may rescind any issued proclamation or reject any proposed proclamation by a vote of two-thirds of the entire authorized membership of the Board of Aldermen.NEW BUSINESS
As is customary, when St. Louis County updates their building code (electrical, plumbing, etc.) - Crestwood updates its municipal code to follow. The process for this is to approve the updates via a first reading, allow that to be posted for 90 days, and the Board of Alderman will again review this at that time for the second reading.