Board of Aldermen Meeting (2/12/2019)

This was a pretty "standard" meeting with mostly normal business items discussed. 

Recently promoted Police Sergeant Michael Ford was sworn in.

The following items were authorized:

  • Update to existing AT&T Cell-Tower lease agreement, allowing them to install new technology onto the tower at Whitecliff.  Construction should proceed in the next couple months as weather permits, with a duration of no more than two weeks.
  • Purchase of new Police vehicle - a 2020 Ford SUV Interceptor will be purchased for $34,051, replacing a 2015 Ford SUV Interceptor.   That 2015 will be repurposed for the city's Code Enforcement officer (who's current 2008 Ford Escape will be surplussed).
  • MSD allowed to perform work at the new storage facility (Pardee Lane) on Sundays - to move the City's fiber-optic cable.  This is discussed in a previous post.
  • Municipal Court to create a separate bank account - This is to comply with Municipal Court reforms mandated by the Missouri Supreme Court. 
  • Whitecliff Quarry - the existing municipal code is revised to allow public access to the north side of the quarry (the lower portion, not above the quarry). The chain-link fencing on the lower portion will be removed, but the fencing above the quarry will remain. Safety warnings and signs will be posted.

The following was discussed, but not authorized:
  • Crestwood Sewer Lateral Revisions - the portion of the municipal code describing the City's Sewer Lateral program was recently revised to provide more clarity about the program and its limits. After discussion during the meeting, additional clarifications were noted and it was requested to send the document back to the Public Works board for additional word smithing.
Here is the entire agenda.