Parks Honeysuckle Removal Efforts

This is an excerpt from the city's website...

If you have been to our parks recently, you may have noticed that some of the "trees" are being removed. These are actually the highly invasive species, the honeysuckle bush. The City of Crestwood Parks and Recreation Department and the Beautification Committee are working to remove this invasive species in our local parks and restore the native landscape of these parks.

In order to preserve our native trees and plants, these invasive plants must be removed. These honeysuckle bushes kill and take over our native plants' environment, which can affect our entire park ecosystems.

To learn more information on honeysuckle removal and native plant conservation, click here.

To learn more about native plants, click here.

This will be a huge effort that will require help from volunteers and ongoing monitoring. Parks workers along with volunteers have been cutting the bushes down to the stumps. They have been leaving "tall" stumps so that parks workers can come back later to trim them lower and apply herbicide to kill the roots. The branch piles will be removed and chipped when parks workers have availability.